Everyday it becomes harder and harder to ignore. It's been a top story on my Yahoo! homepage for 2 or 3 days now. It's impossible to ignore but I'm doing my best. It's even accompanied with a picture of a reasonably attractive girl with what looks like tears coming down her face. The headline has something about being "lied to" in it. Who cares? Well not me.
I refuse to read something about "The Bachelor". There's no chance it's an interesting story. It's a real sad state of affairs when something that happened on reality TV is getting treated like an actual news story.
Baseball: More specifically - Arod. Yeah I get it. He's used to inject steroids into his buttocks. And this is surprising to people because why? There was a period of time where most players were using some sort of performance enhancing drug. Who cares? It was a level playing field. Let's just move on. I don't know why this commands so much coverage. I get the feeling that a cure for cancer wouldn't even demand the amount of coverage that this garbage gets.
For some reason baseball isn't even consumed like the other major sports. Baseball is all about the numbers. It's a game for stats. I don't know why but that's just the way it is. So now that Arod is a known user, everybody's panties are in a bunch because everybody was so in love with the notion that he would over take Bonds as the all time leader in home runs. Well so much for that losers. Just accept it and move one. Baseball was far too slow to move on testing policies so this is what you get. There's no reason to put an * next to records because so many people were on the stuff.
If you look hard enough you can find reasons to discount all records throughout time. Ruth's numbers would look a lot different had MLB been open to black players. Decades later MLB changed the height of the pitching mound which greatly effected statistics. It is what it is my man. I guess the steroids issue was easier for most people to handle when they could just focus all of their anger at Bonds. The whole single villain theme is just not as complicated.
Paying $21 for a beer and a stale pretzel. Yeah that's right. About 20 minutes before kickoff of the US - Mexico game I got hungry so I went to the concession stand. A beer and a pretzel was $10.50. I mean that's bad enough right? Well not for me. The idiot behind the counter at Crew Stadium couldn't get my card to work. Then he brought over some of his idiot co-workers (probably on a work release program) and they came up with nothing. Since I was starving I went along with their idea to try another card. I did, however, say, "Now you aren't going to charge both cards right?" They assured me that it would be ok.
Did they charge both cards? Of course they did. I already saw it on my POS transactions a few weeks ago and then I saw that friendly charge on my credit card today. I can't wait to try and fix this. Something tells me I'm just going to be bending over and taking it from those idiots in Ohio. Awesome.
cash... carry cash at all times in ohio... seriously.
i also could do with american idol... people still watch that crap?
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