Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday March 3

Championship Week started tonight on the ESPN family of networks.  I've always viewed a week as seven consecutive days but the people at ESPN obviously have a different understanding of the word.  Their week goes from Thursday March 3rd to Sunday March 12th.

That's 10, count 'em, 10 days.

I watched parts of both semi-final games in the Big South but it just isn't that much fun when you don't know the players.

The Big South final is set.  UNC-Asheville vs Coastal Carolina.  Georgetown beat both of those schools this year.  If you are going to schedule mid-majors, it's smart to make sure they are the good ones.

Ok back to the real games.

I can't believe Jordan Theodore is playing tonight for Seton Hall.  News came out yesterday that Theodore is up on gun charges due to some incredible circumstances.

Here's a recap of his "situation" from earlier in the week:  Theodore is facing gun charges.

A few weeks ago Seton Hall played Villanova in a home game.  Before that game, Seton Hall guard Keon Lawrence was kicked off the team.  Well at that Villanova game the boyfriend of Lawrence's mom found Theodore's mom in the stands and beat her up.  Apparently Lawrence's family was upset at some of the comments that Theodore said when Keon was kicked off the team.

Theodore's mom ended up being taken away from that Villanova game by an ambulance.  Later that night Theodore and two other guys wearing ski masks went to Lawrence's dorm room with guns.  Nothing really happened until these recent gun charges.

Just another day at a Catholic Institute of higher learning in New Jersey.

Unbelievable.  The mess that was Bobby Gonzalez (former coach) lives on.

This game is a little too close for St. John's liking.  A loss means that they basically pass the double-bye to Syracuse.

And Lavin just got tossed.  I've never seen a coach ejected and then be allowed to huddle up with his team for a few minutes.  I've never seen that.  This game is over and so is the double-bye for the Johnnies.

Wow the end of this game just keeps getting better.  It's turned into something that resembles an AAU affair.

Kennedy just got flipped over by Auda near the baseline.  Moments later Okoloji got crushed as he went streaking down the court for a meaningless lay-up with under 10 seconds to go.  Burrell was the culprit and was promptly ejected.  You could see that coming a mile away especially after what Auda did.

Old school Big East Basketball.  I love it.

I'm going to watch the last half of the Wisconsin - Indiana game.  I imagine that it might be one of the last times I'll ever have the honor of seeing Jeremiah Rivers play basketball.  I wouldn't give the former Georgetown Hoya reserve guard so much grief if he hadn't had so many ridiculous comments to say on his way out the door.

In his three years with the Hoosiers, not only has he failed to improve, but he has regressed.  Ironic for a kid who claimed that the Georgetown offense was holding him back.  What a clown.

Well Championship week continues tomorrow.  Until then.

Peace brah

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