I've been having a hard time getting dressed recently. All of a sudden I don't have any sweaters to put on over my collared shirts. I'm a big fan of that look because your shirts can be wrinkled and NOBODY will know. I'm a bizzaro super genuis if you think about it.
Oh so what happened is that I finally took them to the cleaners and I keep forgetting to pick them up. Interesting story huh? Lots of twists and turns. I hope you are still at the edge of your seat.
Breaker, breaker, what's your 20? Yeah that's right. I found myself a citizens band radio in the basement. That's a CB to the lay person. I'm working on my handle right now. I'm partial to "The Nard Dawg" myself. Thanks for the help Andy.
I just found out that MASN is going to roll out the HD cameras. That's great news for next November when College Basketball starts up again. The next thing they need to work on is their audio difficulties. For whatever reason the sound coming from that channel is roughly twice as loud as the other stations on my dial. Let's just say that it's super annoying. When you combine that with the fact that the video feed makes my eyes bleed, its a miserable viewing experience.
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