Thursday, February 19, 2009

back on the scene, crispy and clean

So 27 seconds into last night's game Greg found Austin for a non descript back door layup. No big deal right?


Austin was backing up his word to me from Sunday night. What's that you ask? His word to me?

So there I am. I had just seen the credits roll after Friday the 13th and I was heading into the bathroom. I knew I was about to see another movie. What I didn't know is that I was about to talk about the Hoyas NCAA Tournament chances with Austin in the men's room.

So I see this big guy walking over to the sink and I think to myself, "That's a pretty big dude."

I caught the side of the dude's face and it was Austin. Having no self control I had to immediately ask, "What was the deal with you and Flynn towards the end of the game? You were doing a lot of talking at the free throw line."

It should be noted that I'm 30 and he's a sophomore in college yet I found myself to be incredibly excited to have this opportunity.

It should also be noted that I saw him towards the end of last summer while waiting in line to board a shuttle bus from Nats Park to RFK.

He said it was just the way Flynn was and it wasn't a big deal. We talked for a few minutes about the way the season has gone and he told me that they know what they have to do to make the Big Dance and that they would do it. I said you know that means you have to win 5 or 6 out of the next 6. He smiled and said it's ok.

I freaking hope so.

1 down. 4, maybe 5 to go.

See you in NYC.

Oh as for me? I found the 10:20 showing of The International to be a great 2nd half of my movie night doubleheader.


Unknown said...

so i wonder how many times you have to "bump into" freeman before he starts to think you are stalking him??? :)

Bobby B said...

i think that when i show up to this years end of season banquet with a freeman voodoo doll he start to have second thoughts on my intentions

Unknown said...

yeah thanks again for seeing f13 without me.

Bobby B said...

who said i wouldnt see it again?

it was great

oh and thanks again for seeing coraline w/o me