There is nothing quite like a Saturday in the Fall. Ok it's not really Fall yet but College Football is on so it's close enough.
I need more TV's at Welcome to Rick's. Like 5 more.
Ok this is what I have so far as I flip around to as many games as possible:
I can't believe the way the Everton - Manchester United game went. Wow. Thanks for the dropped 2 points guys.
Is "Arshavin" Russian for offsides? I mean c'mon dude.
The Gophers newish outdoor stadium in Minnesota is really nice. Losing to South Dakota not as nice.
Duke v Wake Forest is the best game on right now. In football. 35 -35 at the half.
Florida is painful to watch. I give Meyer until mid October before "retiring" again.
WBA were unlucky not to score late against Spurs.
Kevin Durant is filthy.
I'm still upset Venus lost yesterday.
Diaby came in during the 2nd half and lasted about 10 minutes.
Gallas looks gassed. Spurs have already dropped 7 points. Have fun with the midweek CL games guys.
The announcers for the Georgia Tech - Kansas game just said that, "IT TAKES MORE". I didn't know Kevin Payne's brother did play by play.
Now they are talking about bombs. Uh it's 9-11 guys. Ease up on that.
South Florida doesn't want to win this game against the Gators. They gifted them a TD before the half and now they just fumbled inside the 20. 7-7 in the 3rd.
Halfway through the 3rd and it's still 35-35 in Winston Salem. I'm going to stop flipping it if they don't get their act together.
Wake up 41-35. That botched PAT is gonna do them in.
I love the little glimpses of Bret Favre's training camp that are available in these Wrangler commercials.
And Florida is now winning 14-7. SMH at the Bulls.
Uh why is Alabama going to play Duke next week? AT DUKE. There is a track that goes around their field and their stands are glorified bleachers. Are they also playing at Lake Braddock later this season?
Maybe Boise State isn't that great. Tech is only beating JMU by 2 field goals at the half.
If the SEC is as good as everybody always claims, Florida will be a .500 team in the league this season.
I get the feeling that Spurrier might "Woody Hayes" Garcia one day. I know he wants to punch him so bad.
And just like that Georgia Tech is back in this game. A score and a 2PT conversion see them trim their deficeit to 3. 28-25 Kansas with about 8 min left.
South Dakota still up 10 over Minnesota. Let's compare next week's opponents. Minnesota welcomes in USC. South Dakota plays host to Northwestern Oklahoma State.
Big upset in Lawrence, Kansas. But not big enough to rush the field. Sorta ruins the win over #17 in my opinion.
54 - 41 Wake in the 4th. 5 points shy of the century mark. A little less than 1,000 combined yards. I never thought I'd flip to this when I woke up. I was wrong.
Ok well that's it for me for awhile. The varsity is about the kick-off in South Bend.
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