Tuesday, June 17, 2008

promises, promises

Well it's getting kind of late and I have a big day ahead of me but here I am blogging in an effort to avoid physical pain.

Oh man. Where do I start?

Well I just got back from hanging out with Cabrera and Pilson and I must say that those guys never miss a beat. Bryan was super late so we were about to dip when he called and said he was on his way. We gave him 5 minutes and he pulled through. Speaking of people that didn't show up...Katie faked on us which is pretty much the biggest reason we roll on Mondays. Thanks for the warning Kathryn.

So guess who scored a goal tonight? Yeah that's right...this guy. With just a couple games left in the season I was really cutting it close. Even though I play in the back I always score at least once a season. Tonight it was a glorious strike after a nice little move near the sideline. For some reason I just had way too much space and let it rip from distance. You gotta get that near post if you are a goalie. Too bad the rain had stopped because I would have most definitely slid across the turf celebrating like a total ass clown. Weird huh? I guess you could say I'm really mature.

The weekend: Friday was great at the Papkins new place. Hey who cares if dinner wasn't served until 11pm? It was strong. It is very easy to lose track of all things time related while sleeping in the guest room. Speaking of losing things...apparently its super hard to keep track of your phone while in that room. Just sayin...

Oh I also learned that I'm eating some sort of fake sugar that is terrible for my liver. Who knew? Not me that is for sure.

Saturday: Tailgate, banana flavored treats, ice luge, rain, 3 first half goals. I'll take that any day of the week baby. Who said Emilio was finished? I think he just needed to get his fat ass into shape. I guess he spent the off season on the Bob Bancroft Diet of Champions. Not exactly what a pro athlete is looking for while residing in his prime.

Sunday: Eh not much to write about here. Some yard work at a few different places, US scoring 8 goals, and a little Alien v Predator. Oh and the Lakers didn't blow it again.

Ok seriously I'm tired.

Thank you and goodnight.


Unknown said...

well at least you didn't ruin phone #2 (actually, you have to be up to phone #10 now, right?) in the rain on saturday. yeah for small victories and lessons learned.

of course if both of us hadn't ruined our phones, then this ongoing diatribe wouldn't have started. :)

Bobby B said...

how did you not take a shot at my diet?

i mean i really set you up nicely on that one and you totally bricked

very surprising...you are slippping with your game

Unknown said...

i know you did, that's why i didn't fall for it.

i'm not slipping, i'm just not being predictable. :)

Unknown said...

so i still need to get you your hfcs-free yogurt. i don't think i can find anything as yummy as apple turnover flavor, but i'll find something!

Bobby B said...

do you know how good apple turnover is?

i think you should let down your hair and try it sometime

you really need to loosen up at some point

Unknown said...

hey i'm for everything in moderation!

i'll make you a deal, i'll eat one of your apple turnover yogurt things and you eat something green (and green beer doesn't count!) :)

Bobby B said...

wow that is pretty heavy stuff.

decisions, decisions.

ok fine im in but make it something good

Unknown said...

you are the picky eater so you'll have to tell me what you like/don't like.