Monday, June 2, 2008

just the way I like it...

In the span of about 45 minutes on Saturday I went from leaving my house to meet Shawn for our soccer game to going to Gold's for some cardio to meeting some friends at WMZQfest.

I guess Mother Nature felt that it was finally time for me to make the jump to country music, if only for one evening.

Good Advice: Make sure you have cash at Nissan because the lines to the ATM are a nightmare.

Better Advice: Don't have too much cash on you because you will spend it. I had way too much cash on my person. Awesome.

Parking: You know how you remember something being so incredibly horrible that you stay away from it for years only to let your guard down again and of course get sucker punched in the face? Yeah that is how I feel about trying to leave Nissan Pavilion after any show. I almost considered staying until Dave on the 28th.

Taking a strong look at your affairs: When you find yourself shooting baskets with strangers at 2am, I think its perfectly legit to take a few minutes and figure out how you got there. I had this happen to me the other night but I'm sorry to say that I don't have the answers at this moment. I mean, yes, I now how I got there - I drove.

Seriously when some random dude asks you to play one-on-one full court, just for the running, after midnight, you always say No. Just like Nancy Regan taught us in the 80's. I, of course, said yes. That is how I now know what you say. I hope this will help others in the future.

PS...not getting home till like 4am after drinking and working out is really a day killer for your Sunday. I woke up with a different type of sore. I mean sometimes your body is sore from playing a game or working out too hard. Other times you just feel like crap b/c you had one too many. My body was telling me that I was somewhere in the middle of both, and guess what, its not that a place I'm looking to get back to anytime soon.

PPS....All in all it was a good weekend. A huge vote of confidence for seeing live music - of any kind. I probably knew like 4 songs all night but had a good time.

Drinking outside in warm weather with live music and some friends is still undefeated.

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