Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tis the blog :)

Hello, friends.

Look, I know.  I know.

I almost never post here anymore.  I could give you reason X and reason Y, but they're really nothing more than excuses and NOBODY likes those, so, we move on.

Actually this post will double - will double - my output for the year!  See what I did there?

Let me see if I can add some personal content between now and the end of the year, which is more commonly known, at least around my house, as my Birthday.

Tomorrow when we wake up it will be December 10th.  That's awesome!  Both the waking up part and the time of year part.

It's also scary.

It's scary because this is the absolute best time of the year and I'm a bit concerned - no I'm VERY concerned - that's it going by far too quickly.  I mean just today I was buying more Christmas lights.  I should already be done with that little chore.  Ah, Christmas lights.  More on this in a second.

Look, aside from the weather, and I actually enjoy the seasons, everything is better right now.  But like everything, it doesn't last for long.  We gotta get on this.  Well, I need to get on this.

Free advice, go out as much as possible.  Eat/drink, just some good ol' fashioned people watching at the mall, whatever.  As much time out and about enjoying those Christmas lights has to be the goal for the next two weeks.  You know what makes any restaurant better?  Well besides good company and an ugly sweater of course.  Its Christmas lights, inside.  It's a match made it heaven.


Ha, so I just read my last post on here.

I was a bit off, or at least very generous, with Rocky's weight.  It was more like 130, not 118.  Well, no bother.  I'm going to take the big kid in to get weighed tomorrow but, at the time of his last check, he was 98 lbs.

But yeah, Rock-O is doing really well.  I'm really glad that the awesome staff at Village Vet didn't start referring to him as the 'Miracle Dog' until after he was basically well on his way towards a comeback.  I'd have been a bit freaked out had that moniker been tossed around so freely during times of complications.

You know it's funny, I consider myself to be fairly strong, even after one shoulder surgery and still in the need of another one, but that 30 lbs that he lost, makes a HUGE difference in picking him up.  Seriously, huge. ---


OK, time to fall asleep.  In keeping with the spirit of the season, I'll leave you with one of my favorite Christmas Songs...

Until next time, I'm Robert, and it's been a pleasure...

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