Saturday, April 16, 2011

Echoes in April

Versus must be part of the NBC family.  I had never really thought about it before but after watching the Notre Dame Blue-Gold Spring game with all of the NBC graphics and announcers, it is readily apparent that they are related.  It makes even more sense when you think about how they both carry hockey.  Of course I try not to think about hockey that much.

Former Tulane and Tampa Bay Buccanneer quarterback Shaun King is doing some sideline stuff today.  I hope he's the back-up plan for the 2011 season.

OMG they just played an instrumental of Like a G6 going into the last commercial break.  Wow.  They are really looking to skew young today.  I didn't know Versus got down like that.  Now I'm feeling so fly like a G6.

Color Blind:  So it's called the Blue-Gold game right?  Well that doesn't make any sense.  Both teams are wearing gold pants and gold helmets.  One team is wearing blue jerseys.  The other is wearing white jerseys.  In fact both teams have guys wearing green (offensive lineman) and red (quarterbacks and others who aren't supposed to get hit).  Blue-Gold game my ass.

What to look for:  How do the early entry freshman look?  Who changed positions?  Who left?  Does Crist look healthy?

Everett Golson is manning up for the Irish today.  He's the only quarterback not wearing red.  He is "live" fellas.  The freshman from Myrtle Beach is not messing around.  I didn't know people were actually from Myrtle Beach.

Yeah it's 6-3 midway through the 2nd quarter.  Offense sucks so far.  Defense doesn't suck as much.  Or do they?

Look I can't keep watching this.  It was cool for about about 10 minutes.

Biggest difference that I saw?  Collinsworth was switched from WR to SS. I wonder if he will still be doing kickoffs.  Quite the question to ponder.  Until next time.

Peace brah

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