Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My advice? Learn to live with it

Ok this is the last time that I complain about my shoulder. I promise. Look I'm 14 months from the cut date and it's not exactly where I want it to be. Where I need it to be. C'mon man!

So I was feeling like I needed to do something Sunday night. I decided working out was a good idea. Strike One.

I tweaked my shoulder and then I couldn't fall asleep for hours. Strike Two.

Well we all know that you can't strike out unless you come up with a third dumbass idea in a short amount of time. Taking some old pain medicine? Yeah that did the trick. Strike Three my man.

Was the medicine too old and expired? Was my body not ready for it? Was there alcohol in my system? Did I have an empty stomach? Ah what's the difference really? Either way it completely crushed my Monday and put me right into today.

So my shoulder is what it is. I'm just going to grit my teeth and take it from now on. Talking about your problems is a waste of time. If I can paraphrase from Lou Holtz - 80% of the people don't care and the other 20% are glad that you have them.

The one thing that keeps me thinking that it's going to turn out alright? Before surgery, if I did something to cause it pain, it would hurt for weeks. Now? Just days. So there's that.

Sometimes the small victories add up.

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