Tuesday, April 6, 2010

at least that is over

You knew it would go that way.

I mean I purposely watched a movie until 10pm, while DVR'ing the National Championship Game, so that I could fast forward through a bad game. But I never had to use fast forward, minus the commercials, becasue it was close.

I became emotionally invested in the game. I yelled a few times. I stood a few times. Keep in mind that the players on the team that I follow were sitting at home. Luckily they were sending clever tweets but that is besides the point. So Butler of course loses and I find myself momentarily dejected.

Rewind. I got this tournament out of my system on a horribly slow ride home from Providence over two weeks ago. For some reason I voluntairly punished myself by not only driving slow, but driving the long way. I think the route I took was an extra 60 or 70 miles.

Speaking of drives home, the Butler fans have one thing going for them right now. They are already home. They don't have to wake up tomorrow morning and trek across the country. On the flip side, the players have to wake up and go to classes tomorrow. Hell some of them went to classes today. Crazy

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