I watched some of ESPN2's fine Fishing programming this morning and I couldn't help but to be jealous. These guys go fishing, and, get this, they catch fish. Not just a fish or two, but a fish or two every 5 minutes.
I'd love to see them shoot one of these episodes at Fountain Head Reservoir with me and my friends. Now that would make some killer TV. It's about time America sees what really happens on the water.
Even more random stuff:
***Who are these people that gather for the Olympic announcements? I had no idea it was such a big deal. I mean it was absolute pandemonium when that nerd came out and read the card that said Rio de Janiero.
The only thing that would get me that excited is if the card had read Kings Park 2016.
***So yesterday was the last day I had to make my required seat donation in order to retain my seats at the Verizon Center for Georgetown games. I, of course, waited until the last day to fork over what might as well be a King's ransom.
I was surprised at how difficult it was to give them my money. It seemed simple enough really. Just go to the website and click a few buttons. Well I was able to successfully navigate through to the very end until the "Error" message popped up.
Ok no problem. Just call them up. Strike two. I keep getting this one guy's voice mail. The best part was that even though I was calling once every 15 minutes, his voice mail message kept fooling me to thinking that he had answered my call. Very clever, and, at the same time, very cruel.
I started to think about the horror that would be me without my seats of the last 6 seasons when I got a call back.
I'm sure the problem was that too many dummies, like myself, just had to wait until the very last day to do what they could have done 2 months ago. Chalk another one up for Team Procrastination.
***Today's EPL games aren't that great. Obvious problem is that Arsenal doesn't play until tomorrow. Chelsea v Liverpool is also tomrrow. Aston Villa v Man City is, I think, Monday. Man Utd plays today but they are so boring and will just 10 minutes extra time if they are losing or tied so what's the point of watching that?
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