199 - I don't want to brag but I recently set the 8617 Wii bowling record. Now don't get me wrong, having a high game of 185 (Kary) is nothing to ashamed of...it's just no 199. Oh well. Better luck next time kas.
Nats Watch 2008 - Ok so here's my thinking: If you are going to be bad at something, you might as well be the best of the bad. I'm looking for two things out of this years version of the Nats.
1.) Lose 100 games. They are sitting at 98 losses with just 6 remaining. Edit: For some reason with their chance at infamy on the line, the Nats decided to beat the Marlins last night. They now need 2 losses in their last 5 games to complete their journey (un)successfully.
2.) Have the worst record in the league. They are a game better than Seattle right now. I think with a little luck they can claim their rightful place as worst team in 2008.
Tiebreaker - I have never met a tiebreaker that I like. I tied for the lead in pick'em this past week with 11/16 and guess what? I lost the tiebreaker. I was so close to the weekly $25 winnings that I had already spent it on Rocky's Science Diet Chicken and Rice.
oh dear... you might have gotten 199 once. however that has been your only win to me in bowling. come to think of it that is only your second win in all the wii games (bowling, tennis, baseball, and darts).
:D nice try sweetie!
id like to point out that im unbeaten in baseball
unbeaten = we tied... still not a win brah
its not a loss silly
you have no chance in tennis...either of you...im agassi in the rebel commercials....untouchable
and i mod'd my wii...so now i get all the games for free...
come join in the fun
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