Wednesday, August 13, 2008

unlucky 7

I'm going to be honest here, I love to tailgate.


I love it.

That being said, I'm not sure everybody can handle a solid 7 hours in the parking lot throwing back adult beverages and eating hot dogs wrapped in bacon then dipped in cheese.

The WashingtonPost ran a wire story about the Meadowlands complex cutting back on tailgate time. They are going from 7 to 5 hours. (Let's be honest can really accomplish a lot in 5 hours. I have a hard time believing that the number of tailgaters showing up 7 hours early for a 1pm kickoff was anywhere near what we might describe as "a lot".)

The best part of the story is a mention of how during halftime at Jets games there is a certain spot in the stadium where dudes gather and "demand that women expose their breasts". Even funnier than picturing that scene in your head is the fact that it only happens at Jets games. I guess this just goes to show you that the NFC attracts a higher class of fan. Like we didn't already know that right?

Internet radio: Wow. Talk about hit or miss. I tried to give a new station a chance today but I literally felt like the songs were interrupting the commercials. We are talking about the worst song to ad ratio in the History of Earth. So if you are looking for a good listen on this series of tubes we call the Internet, make sure you move your cursor well past "Classic Hits Radio" on iTunes. You will thank me later.

Gunners baby: Today is the first match that means something. Arsenal v FC Twente in the 3rd round of UEFA Champions League Qualifiers. We have really come along way in this country when 3rd round games are being carried on ESPN2. You see this is what ESPN is good at: showing games. I'd be less inclined to talk shit about the station if they just stuck to their strengths. Instead they are trying to conquer the world with other junk. It, of course, isn't working.

I'm not sure what to expect from the Gunners this year. Finishing in the top 4 seems like the best scenario. But just think about that goal for a second. That is so lame. Look I am selfish. I want to win everything every time out.

Happy Birthday Kary! I hope you have a great day until tonight when I dominate you, Baker, and Yvonne in mini-golf. But, yeah, have a great day until then kas ;)


Unknown said...

yeah, just like you dominated me the other night in bowling? i'm looking forward to that then!

Unknown said...

but thank you! you really are the best!

YB said...

i need something to do! write a new post brah