Tuesday, August 5, 2008

i heart my job

You know what's annoying? I will be more than happy to provide you with the answer. Little flies floating around your office. So we have plants in our offices here at New Year Tech. In fact some people have more than one (I only have one).

Well anyway when we put more soil in the pots we used some killer stuff that, luckily enough, contained annoying-ass-fly eggs. At various moments throughout the day I feel like I'm in the movie The Karate Kid trying to catch these things with my hands. They are surprisingly elusive for such a slow moving bug. I guess its like trying to hit one of those slow knuckleballs from Tim Wakefield. I mean we have this spray that is supposed to work but it works about as well me trying to get early for work when I have company.

I totally forgot about this until today: Log...by Blammo.

Dear Facebook,

Stop suggesting that I add people as "friends" that you think I "know".


Everybody that isn't on pace to end up with a feature role on Dateline's To Catch a Predator

Importance: I feel like you can measure your importance at work by your office location. We currently have 19 people working at Headquarters and 17 people have window offices.

Surprise, surprise, I am one of the 2 people w/o a window. Making matters worse is the fact that there is an OPEN window office just sitting there for the taking.

Candy Detail: Its true that I consider myself a bit of a candy connoisseur. Well we have the generic bowl of candy up front. It was down to some really old jolly ranchers and some of the worst Dum Dum lollipop flavors around - Root Beer, Chocolate, etc. In an effort to inject some some fresh candy around these here parts I felt it my duty to dump the remaining candy into the trash. I did so when nobody was looking last Friday, well after COB.

Results? We are now w/o any candy at all. But eventually it will pay off. I can feel it. I can see it now. Nerds, Skittles, and flavored tootsie rolls for everybody.

OMG I'm out of here.


Unknown said...

maybe you will get an office with a window when you stop blogging during work hours??? j/k i love to read your diatribes!

Bobby B said...

you are the slowest scrabble player ever!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

YOU are the slowest scrabble player ever! It's been over 1 day since you played something!!!