Monday, August 4, 2008

hello old friends...its been way too long

Here we go again: Over the course of the last 7 days I have seen the reemergence of my teams. It started out last weekend when I finally got my fat ass down to McDonough Gym to see some Kenner League action. It's mostly to check out the Tombs. That is the team that has all of the incoming freshman along with two returning players. I liked what I saw out of the young pups. I will have a more detailed edition of this later.

Fast forward to this past weekend and it was Gunners time. Got my first look at some of the new/young Gunners - Nasri, Vela, Wilshere - among others. Of course the best sight of all was seeing Adebayor back in his #25 shirt.

Then last night we all had our first taste of Redskins v. 2008 - 2009. The skins game was cool for about 4 minutes and then I lost interest. It was great to see hear Michaels and Madden and see some of the guys that you know during the lineups. After that it was a complete crapfest that was fighting Van Wilder for my attention.

I honestly think Jason Campbell sucks the big fat one and best case scenario is 7-9. I had such high hopes for Campbell coming into the NFL but I just don't think he has "it". He seems to think too much out there for my liking. He had a really up and down college career at Auburn but seemed to have figured it out by his senior year. Like I said I was high on him because he can do so many of the difficult things well.

Guess we will find out this year. The Skins went out and got a west coast guy just for him.

Deadhead what? Yeah I have like 3 or 4 Grateful Dead songs on my iPod. The basic ones that everybody knows. Nothing fancy. Nothing out of the ordinary for an average Joe such as myself.

But something funny happened on Friday when I was looking to switch from my 80's Internet radio station on iTunes. I decided to click on classic rock. From there I, for some reason, gave this Grateful Dead station a chance.

Turns out...I love it. They only play the Dead and it's all stuff from concerts. I find it very relaxing while I'm at work. I'm guessing that it would be even cooler if I were under the influence of some drugs, but whatever my man. It works so far.

We blew it: I'm sad to say that summer league at Thoreau is over - and it didn't end well. We dug ourselves a huge hole only to see our valiant comeback attempt pushed away by the Ancient Warriors. They really carved us up offensively. I'd hate to see how many shots they had from close range. It would probably make me want to vomit and/or punch a hole in my wall . We help too much - which results in easy looks for them. We need some changes for next summer.

ok i'll be back later brah


Unknown said...

I'll be the first to say it... you need better teams. Yep. There I said it. :)

Except for the Gunners of course. You also might as well suck it up and root for Barca with the rest of the cool kids, especially since your boy Henry is on there.

Hey and don't worry, you guys always have winter league to face the Old Guys again.

YB said...

i agree...lets get some falls church winter league going...or something along those lines.