You can't have it both ways. Over the last few days I have been telling anybody that will listen that time is flying by in 2008. I mean it's basically May in about 5 minutes. Really? May?
So yeah after running the memories through my head this morning I decided that May is actually a fair deal. There are some things that happened in January that seem like they happened years ago. Hibberts game-winning three, watching the 'Skins playoff game on a bus, and taking the train to MSG didn't exactly happen yesterday. So forget the whole "I can't believe its May already" tall tale I have been telling recently.
So there was a United home game this past Saturday night and even though most of my friends don't think the season actually starts until June, those of us that did show up had a great time.
I spent the entire first half right behind Rimando's goal line at the 18 yard box. What impressed me the most was how big Moreno's onions must be after taking that pk the way he did. Oh and the grass is really, really nice. Just a little bit better than my backyard, but it's close.
The post game tailgate got tough. After deciding that crushing a few beers was a good idea the rain that has been avoiding us all day finally showed up. Funny thing happened when Lantier went to start his truck - it was dead. I guess that's the price a real hardcore NFL fan pays for listening to the draft all afternoon with his doors wide open. Luckily we didn't have any jumper cables between us. You know who else doesn't have jumper cables? The special police that asked us to leave. How do police not have jumper cables??? Luckily some crazy ass drunk guys about 50 feet away had cables. I'm still stunned Sam didn't electrocute himself. Sometimes its better to be lucky than good...
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